Sunday 25 September 2011

Amazing discovery!!!

since i have found Toneitup a few month ago, i been all about healthy eating and exercising, they have really changed my life and i never looked back! But i still really love my chocolate! No, im addicted to chocolate! Plus, im all or nothing girl, if i have a bar of chocolate i will eat the whole Big bar and want more! And if i don't have chocolate i will think where can i get one. This is really not very good for my healthy lifestyle, so can you imagine how happy i was when i found this: healthy 100% natural snack bars, with cocoa flavour, that taste like brownies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I truly couldn't believe it when i saw the ingredients, it was just to good to be true! I love snacking, but usually 'healthy' snack bars are full of fake sugar. So when i saw Nakd and turned the box around i was so surprised! They have few different flavours, i only tried 2 so far and they were amazing! Im in Love and want all world to know about it;)

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