Thursday 29 September 2011

Peanut Butter cookies

On Monday while i was browsing internet in a search of a cute rooms, I've found this recipe for peanut butter cookies, and it sounded so easy, i thought 'i have to try it'! (luckily i had all the ingredients i needed). I have to say this is my favourite treat now! First of all its unbelievably easy to make and second of all they are soooo delicious, me and my hubby just couldn't get enough!!!!

Here is how you make them:
1 cup of Peanut Butter (i used a low fat natural peanut butter to make it a bit healthier)
1 cup of sugar (again i used natural sugar)
1 egg
Mix all the ingredients together, bake for 10 min and enjoy!!!:) (Told you it was easy)

Monday 26 September 2011

Lovely new Blendworth collection

So wonderfully beautiful...I just love the colours and how delicate the designs are! The birds are my favourite. 

Tonight for dinner...

one of my all time favourite things to eat is smoked salmon, so tonight for dinner is smoked salmon with big green salad on the side and few pita bread crisps. So healthy and easy to put together, perfect if you are to busy to cook or just really tired:)

Pita crisps is a great snack as well, i been having them all last week for lunch with some hummus! here is how i make them: cut my pita bread in crisps-size pieces and put them on to a baking tray, sprayed with olive oil spray. Then i sprinkle some garlic salt on top (you can use any spices you like) and pop them in the oven for 7 minutes. Done! Crunchy healthy crisps:)

Dark side...

Maybe one day i will be brave enough to paint one wall black in my house...

Sunday 25 September 2011

From my wish list

I want this soooooo much, hopefully Santa will bring it to me this year;)

Sunday Inspiration

 Perfect reading corner...

Amazing discovery!!!

since i have found Toneitup a few month ago, i been all about healthy eating and exercising, they have really changed my life and i never looked back! But i still really love my chocolate! No, im addicted to chocolate! Plus, im all or nothing girl, if i have a bar of chocolate i will eat the whole Big bar and want more! And if i don't have chocolate i will think where can i get one. This is really not very good for my healthy lifestyle, so can you imagine how happy i was when i found this: healthy 100% natural snack bars, with cocoa flavour, that taste like brownies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I truly couldn't believe it when i saw the ingredients, it was just to good to be true! I love snacking, but usually 'healthy' snack bars are full of fake sugar. So when i saw Nakd and turned the box around i was so surprised! They have few different flavours, i only tried 2 so far and they were amazing! Im in Love and want all world to know about it;)

Sunday 18 September 2011

Sunday Inspiration

Looking at this picture makes me happy...

Happy Sunday:)

I loooove Sundays!!! (i think i already mantioned that;) My mum and her husband were visiting us(me and my husband) over the weekend and today we went for a really long walk and then we had a great meal at the local pab/restaurant. I couldn't resist a dessert, so I've ordered a waffle with bananas, ice cream and toffee. It was like a piece of heaven melting in my mouth, i just cant describe how delicious it was!!!!:) I really wasn't eating healthy this weekend, but it ok, you have to indulge now and again;) hope everyone had a great weekend, here are some photos that my mum took today. Photography is her huge hobby and i think she is really great at it!

Now reading..

Last week i have started reading 'Aleph'. Its a new book from my All time favourite author Paulo Coelho. I red his first book 'The Fifth mounting' when i was about 15 years old, and that's when i fell in Love with books. His most famous book 'The Alchemist' really changed my (and millions of other people) way of thinking and looking at things. I red almost all his books in both Russian and English, and enjoyed them all. So far 'Aleph' is no exception:)
I love this little movie clip which is illustrating the book

Sunday 11 September 2011

Sunday Inspiration

Simply gorgeous rooms designed by Ali Vanderpool and Ariana Villata from The Elegant Abode.


Last week I bought myself some new shoes as it started to rain in England and I realised I don't have an appropriate pair shoes for such wet weather. So I went online and bought these:

They are from and I am absolutely in love with them:) Plus they were on sale which is always a huge bonus ;)

Happy Sunday:)

Today is a good day! I made some chocolate cereal and oats cookies:) im really getting into a routine of baking something on Sundays (my hubby is very happy about that). I've got the recipe from They turn out really tasty and Very sweet!!! Lovely Sunday treat!

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday:) Here is photos of flowers I've been given yesterday. They are so colourful and so beautiful, that every time i look at them i want to smile:) Its always nice to have fresh flowers on your window or bedside table...

Monday 5 September 2011

Looking forward to Christmas...already:)

I would Love to spend my Christmas in this gorgeous house:

Writing in Ink...

One of my favourite form of art is writing and drawing in Ink...I Love the look of wavy handwriting on paper...something and mysterious about it, and it looks so elegant. I have crated a few pieces of Ink writing for my own house. They both written in Russian and I really Love the uniqueness of them.